7 Steps To Becoming More Confident With Your Body Image

With the rise of social media and the use of influencers, the importance of positive body confidence has never been greater. While scrolling through your social media feed, it’s easy to get a warped perception of how you should look and feel. Well, we’re here to tell you that there’s no one more perfect than you! 

According to DoSomething.org, 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies. Being comfortable in your skin and celebrating who you are just some of the things we celebrate at oolala. It’s the very reason why we create leggings that support your inner radiance and help you feel your most confident self. 

Learning to love yourself for who you are is possibly the greatest lesson in life. Like most valuable lessons, it doesn’t come easily to everyone and may require you to do a little bit of homework. Although it can feel defeating at times, the good news is that we’ve put together our favorite steps in building a positive body image. By focusing on these 7 simple steps, you can start to see yourself for the true beauty you really are.

woman being happy in the sun

How to Boost Your Body Confidence in 7 Easy Steps: 

Step One: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

These days, it seems that wherever you look there are airbrushed models and perfected faces. With the likes of FaceTune and Photoshop, images can easily be altered to fix any blemishes and create a thin veil of fiction. The trick to building your self-confidence is to stop comparing yourself to these images. 

Our best advice for combating body anxiety is to take a digital detox. Signing off of your social media accounts might just be the refresher you need to let your beauty shine. Try spending time finding a positive outlet that brings you joy instead. These hobbies will help promote a more comfortable environment that’s free from any negative energy.  

Remember, even the highest-paid supermodels have something they dislike about themselves. Wishing that you could change a part of your body or could resemble the likes of your Instagram feed takes away from what makes you, you. 

social media detox

Step Two: Celebrate Your Victories

As easy as it may be to list all of the things you don’t like about your body, why not try focusing on the parts you do like? To add to your list, try thinking about all of the amazing accomplishments your body has achieved. Tasks like easily getting out of bed, being able to walk around, or perhaps growing your children are incredible victories that deserve to be celebrated. 

Your body is a fascinating machine that, day after day, shows up for you and supports you no matter what. With all of these victories in mind, it will be a lot harder to make your body your enemy and a lot easier to embrace it as your loving friend. 

Step Three: Adopt Positive Affirmations

Using daily positive affirmations is a great way to improve your body confidence as it has the power to completely shift the way you think about yourself. When you’re able to make the conscious decision to boost your body image, it will be a lot easier to start feeling your naturally gorgeous self. 

For your daily affirmations, we’d recommend making a list of ones that truly resonate with you. These affirmations should revolve around the school of positive thinking and promote a loving environment for your body. 

Here are a few examples of what your affirmations could be:

  • It’s okay to take the time to focus on myself
  • My body is strong and beautiful
  • My opinion of myself is the only one that matters
  • I love and respect myself to the fullest being
  • My body is always changing and growing, I accept myself as I am right now
  • My body is a gift

Repeating these simple sentences when you wake up and before you go to bed will make a huge difference in bringing out your inner confidence! 

Step Four: Wear Clothes that Make You Feel Your Best

Looking and feeling your best go hand in hand. When you’re wearing clothes that fit you properly, work with your curves, and leave you in utter comfort, it’s hard not to feel fantastic. You should never underestimate the power of a good outfit! 

Take our leggings, for example. Each pair of leggings are made from FlexStretchTM and ButterflySoftTM technology that are molded to fit your body shape. This means that your style will always be complemented with ultimate comfort and confidence. 

clothing flat lay

Step Five: Get Rid of the Negative

Getting rid of any negative energy in your life will do wonders for your overall happiness and body confidence. Surrounding yourself with positive people who support you and love you for who you are will only create a secure environment for you to flourish. 

Step Six: Be Your Greatest Cheerleader

Getting rid of negative people isn’t the only step in building your positive body image. Most of the time, it’s ourselves who are creating the biggest source of negativity when it comes to our body confidence. I

If you catch yourself directing lasting thoughts your, think about if it would be something that you’d say to your best friend or sister. Talking to yourself with love and respect is essential to bringing our your inner glow. 

Step Seven: Take Care of Yourself

Last, but not least, don’t forget to practice self-care. Dedicating time to do tasks you love works wonders for the mind and body. Whether this is finding an exercise you can’t get enough of or indulging in weekly facemasks, it’s all about rewarding and spoiling your body. The more time you dedicate to loving yourself, the more you will be able to reconnect with your body and instantly feel more confident. 

self care face mask

If you need even more inspiration to boost your body confidence, take some notes from these strong female celebrities. These women are changing the fashion world with their powerful messaging and by encouraging others to love themselves for all that they are. 

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